Keepers of KOOP Capital Campaign Progress ($60k Goal):

Off the Beatle Path

Host(s): Rush Evans
Interpretations of Beatles music, solo Beatles & Apple label recordings, Beatle appearances & other random Beatlemania.
off the beatle path
12:00 pm -
1:00 pm

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Studio Line: 512-472-KOOP (5667)

Off the Beatle Path

c/o KOOP Radio
P.O. Box 301899
Austin, TX 78703-0032

The music of the Beatles has been interpreted in many different genres, and the solo Beatles recording careers run deep.

Off the Beatle Path explores the larger world beyond the records released by the actual Beatles! It’s a grand world of music that we deep dive into, including periodic live performances by Beatles-loving musicians! And each week, we rationalize a song as being Beatles-related, even though it’s not written or performed by a Beatle!

Rush Evans fell in love with the Beatles’ music while they were still a band, but he grew up mostly in the seventies when the SOLO Beatles were finding their solo careers. He loves all kinds of music and is fascinated by the impact that the Beatles, together and apart, have had on the rest of popular music. He interviewed Ringo once, which was as cool as life gets.

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